Friday 29 August 2014

Ayurveda - The Science Of Life

Dear all,
Kindly accept my warmest greetings.

Lets today discuss something about the Oldest, yet the most systematized branch of knowledge - AYURVEDA
By  P. Nil

Do you all know what the word "AYURVED" means ?
Let me tell you. The word "Ayurved" is a combination of two Sanskrit words, namely "AYUHU" and "VEDAH " ( आयु: + वेदः ). Ayuhu means life, Vedah means knowledge, which necessarily means Knowledge Of Life. But isn't this description too short ?
Yes, Indeed ! Ayurveda, as a whole, is a systematized stream of knowledge comprising of Knowledge of - Physiology & Hygiene, Ways to Fitness & Best Health, Description of Diseases, Causes & Diagnosis of Diseases, Methodology of Correct Diagnosis, Elements, Compounds and Herbs used in treatment, Formulations of Natural Ayurvedic Medicines, Procedure of Manufacturing Natural Ayuvedic Medicines, Guidelines about Diet during the onset of Disease, Guidelines about Correct Diet, Guidelines to Disease-Free Living. The list goes on and on and on.
To cut it short, Ayurveda has everything a human needs, to always be Fit and Healthy. Some of the learned people around the globe find peace in indulging into discrimination that, this field of medicine is better than the other, and that Ayurveda doesn't have proven cures. Such discriminations doesn't fit to my taste very well. A well-learned person knows very well that every system of knowledge has its own unique advantages over the other.
I shall like to highlight one important thing for all those lovers of such discrimination.
● Would have humanity survived all the assaults of calamities of diseases and plagues without the presence of an efficient system of medicine ?
● Which system of medicine has been serving the Humanity since the advent of mankind on the Earth ?
The answer to this itself proves all the discrimination,  that Ayurveda doesn't have proven remedies, stand to be a greal faux. True to its name, Ayurveda is indeed, The Knowledge of Life, Mother of All Life-Sciences. It wouldn't be inappropriate to say that modern day therapeutic drugs find their origin in herbs. See here.
Then, let those, thus involved in undermining Ayurveda, find solace in saying " There was no light before I lit the torch, even the Sun draws light from here." That doesn't change the Truth. All such discriminations are out of place and hence out of scope of this document. So, let's move on.
A second question arises here : What may be the most possible reasons for misconceptions regarding efficacy of Ayurvedic treatments to arise ?

a) Different Set of Guidelines: For every system of Knowledge, there are a independent set of guidelines, and the set of guidelines for one system rarely applies to the other. If done so, it is bound to produce erroneous results.This stands to be true for Ayurveda too.
Let me quote an example here: Opium has been declared a narcotic herb by modern day medical science and the uses thereof are banned.But do you all know - Ancient Ayurveda has been using Opium ( through proper process to eliminate its narcotic properties) for many a neurological diseases with great efficacy. 
Now imagine a case where Opium is a major constituent of a particular formulation, and isn't used due to guidelines of modern medicine. The medicine thus produced shan't be in position to deliver the expected result.Due to the guidelines of modern day medical sciences, we have lost the benefits of this wonder-herb in treatment of neurological diseases
There are many such areas of conflict.
Hence; Ayurveda must be seen and used in light of its own set of  guidelines and not any other. The guidelines of modern day sciences shouldn't be applied to Ayurveda if the humanity has to reap the wonderful results of Ayurveda.

b) Barriers of Language: Ayurveda, in the most original form, exists in Sanskrit language. Sanskrit is known to be the Oldest language yet in existence and use. For the correct interpretation of Ayurveda, it is the prime necessity to have in-depth knowledge of the language. But unfortunately, Sanskrit is no more in extensive use and study around the globe. India is the only Nation where this language is yet being taught in schools.
Although Ayurvedic texts are available in translated form, many a terms used in Sanskrit language cannot be correctly substituted in any other language by means of text-to-text translation. This poses the greatest challenge: Understanding Ayurvedic terminology in the most purest form. This requires great experience and extensive experimentation of Ayurvedic terminology, the unwillingness of which, defeats the basis purpose.

c) Unwillingness to follow in full: Ayurvedic treatments are always a 3 point program. 
1) Medication 
2) Diet 
3) Lifestyle.

Medication covers the basic part where efficacy of treatment largely depends on a) Correct diagnosis as per the principles of Ayurveda b) Correct choice of medicine c) Optimum dosing as per the need of the situation. Any error in these and the efficacy is lost.
Diet covers an important part where the doctrine of Ayurveda has to be followed for better and timely results. Ayurvedic doctrines about diet at the advent of disease differ from the generalized dietary guidelines by a Dietician under normal conditions. Non-compliance of the above largely affects the results.
Lifestyle ( erroneous) is one of the major cause of disease as per Ayurveda. Ayurveda recommends a set of guidelines for this too which a patient must necessarily comply with.
It has been a generalized observation that most of the patients tend to take these guidelines quite lightly, there-by not getting proper results. At the end the blame is with the System of Medicine.

Dear friends, Thanks for being here. Be sure to read my further posts on AYURVEDA. In the next post we shall discuss about the origin of Ayurveda.If you have anything to ask, I shall be pleased to answer in the comment box.
Till then, It's a great Good Bye. Take good care of yourself.
P. Nil is a practicing doctor, attending patients suffering from all major diseases, with an immense experience in manufacturing process of Ayurvedic Medicines.

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